The Absurdity of Celebration – A Lament on the Power of Cliche
The blank page stares at you like a painful relationship you’ve fucked up once too often, motionless, emotionless, somewhat mystifying, and as always without any actual results, confession, or reparation. In these trying, the most, trying of times, time and his endless chimes bring the worst of the worst ideas into one’s head. Cliche Part […]
Noa Raviv: “Design is about providing solutions, and the move toward art allows me to create more problems.”
The argument for design providing solutions and art creating more problems is one I’ve never pondered nevermind dealt with in an interview situation. With Israeli designer-artist Noa Raviv, I was provided with such a chance to discuss, as pretentious as it may sound. Design by default seems to me to answer questions that at worst, […]