Felten Ink: Office playlist 9

Dog in St Malo

F,iNK office p,list #9 Warning:Not for the easily depressed. “i know we’ve heard this to an extent before but GOD I love a new band doing old shit I adore” – H. Jackson free on the IRON mic, a wasted poet.  

F.INK Officeplaylist #8

This is a playlist for those who are able to say, with conviction, ‘Of all the fucking people’. I recommend re: watching Goodfellas. The image of Brando has no importance, except the great image of the beautifully erratic in his facial expression.

Blixa Bargeld: “If everything is possible, then you don’t get very far.”

“Yeah, I like Billie Eilish. I can see why she is successful and why people are into it.” – Blixa Bargeld. I did not approach my interview with Einstürzende Neubauten frontman Blixa Bargeld expecting to find common ground when it came to the subject of Billie Eilish, nor that she would even come up. The […]

The worst (or best) of interviews according to.. well, us

For reasons I won’t bother you with right now, I recently was propelled to search for a Kurt Cobain interview where he spoke about British music and in particular, Blur’s horrendous ‘There’s No Other Way’ record. What I came across was a video where all three members of Nirvana do their best to answer the […]