Noa Raviv: “Design is about providing solutions, and the move toward art allows me to create more problems.”
The argument for design providing solutions and art creating more problems is one I’ve never pondered nevermind dealt with in an interview situation. With Israeli designer-artist Noa Raviv, I was provided with such a chance to discuss, as pretentious as it may sound. Design by default seems to me to answer questions that at worst, […]
Sina Khani: “I’m a piece of shit human being who is always in some kind of stupid trouble and who is mortal as fuck. I’m pretty sure I will die laughing one day.”
In the ensemble’s own words, ‘Creeps from the Middle East is a black and white, non-monetized, relatively unscripted comedy show created by Susan Lanting, Steven Bos and Sina Khani.’ For me, the initial reaction found it all to be a very bizarre, experimental take on the ‘absurd’; an art/ comic project that oozes ideas, and […]
Olivier De Sagazan: “I can only answer you with my creations, not with words.”
“I run every day, running is like an amplifier of presence for me, a time to reconnect with myself and the world. The sound of footsteps and breathing already creates music and incites the beginning of a dance.” Olivier De Sagazan. Olivier De Sagazan blurs the lines between sculpture, painting, and performance, between surrealist dreams and your […]
Milan Kundera (1929 – 2023)
Milan Kundera (1929-2023) specialized in writing about philosophy, women, memory, love, sex, life’s absurdities, melancholia, betrayal, loss, communism, nostalgia, and most importantly, sex, lust, love, and women. At this current moment, with the loss of this most life-changing of authors (for me at least), I’m struggling for words to summarise his importance. Rather, I’ll just […]
Carlos Dengler: “I can never rest and I can never rely on my environment. I’m always moving.”
By his own admission, Carlos Dengler suffers from ‘creative ADHD’. It’s a condition he says makes him miserable, which I can understand. On the plus though, it is a side of his nature, given the quality and quantity of his creative output, I would argue that has been put to tremendous use over the years. […]